Evans Vanodine Rubicon - Oil & Grease Remover

Citrus cleaner degreaser, removes oil, grease & heavy soil.

Product Code A044EEV2

Brand Evans Vanodine

Pack Size 2 x 5 litres

Out of Stock

£19.99 exc VAT£23.99 inc VAT

Product Description

Evans Vanodine Rubicon is a diverse heavy duty detergent with a citrus fragrance which is used for the removal of grease, oil and heavy soiling.

Suitable for use on concrete, vinyl, rubber, plastic, painted and all washable surfaces.

Ideal for cleaning floors in garages, engineering workshops and highly recommended for removing of body fat and heavy soil in the leisure industry.


Dilute 1:100 parts hot water (50 ml per 5 L / 2 pumps x per 5 L) in a bucket.

Mop, wipe or scrub the soiled surface.


Dilute 1:25 parts hot water (200 ml per 5 L / 7 pumps x per 5 L) in a bucket.

Mop, wipe or scrub the soiled surface.

  • Popular, concentrated, multi purpose cleaner.
  • Blended for the effective removal of oil, grease and grime.
  • Very versatile, suitable for numerous cleaning tasks in all types of industry.
  • Has a pH of 13.1.

Pack Size: 2 x 5 litres


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