The Hygiene Hub Heavy Duty Degreaser - Powerful Hard Surface Cleaner

A powerful cleaner of grime and grease from most hard surfaces.

Product Code 01-0037

Brand The Hygiene Hub

Pack Size 2 x 5 litres

In Stock

£15.99 exc VAT£19.19 inc VAT

Product Description

The Hygiene Hubs Heavy Duty Degreaser is a powerful cleaner of grime and grease from most hard surfaces, including floors and walls.

Dilute approx. 1 part with 10 parts of water (500ml to 5 litres) for heavy duty cleaning of floors etc. Apply by mop or machine, scrub and then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Dilute approx. 1 part with 150 parts of water (35ml to 5 litres) for general purpose cleaning of hard surfaces. Spray or wipe diluted cleaner onto surface, leave to react for a few seconds, and then wipe the dirt off with a clean damp cloth which should be frequently rinse in clean water. When dry, surfaces may be polished with a dry cloth.

Pack Size: 2 x 5 litres.


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