Evans Vanodine E.M.C. Plus - Heavy Duty Cleaner & Degreaser

Heavy duty cleaner & degreaser.

Product Code A080EEV2

Brand Evans Vanodine

Pack Size 2 x 5 litres

In Stock

£18.99 exc VAT£22.79 inc VAT

Product Description

Evans Vanodine EMC Plus is an all purpose heavy duty alkaline cleaner and degreaser that rapidly removes grease and heavy soiling from a range of washable surfaces including vinyl, rubber, safety floors and concrete.

It is perfume-free and as such, it is popular for use in food processing areas, kitchens or places where food is handled or served. 

Also recommended for wiping or damp mopping and is also ideal for spray cleaning floors in conjuction with a high speed floor machine.

GENERAL CLEANING: Dilute upto 1:200 parts hot water (25 ml per 5 Litres / 1 x pump per 5 Litres) in a bucket. Mop or wipe the surface.

CLEANING SAFETY FLOORS & REMOVING GREASE: Dilute upto 1:50 parts hot water (100 ml per 5 Litres  / 3 x pump per 5 Litres ) in a bucket. Damp mop or machine scrub using a green pad.

SPRAY CLEANING FLOORS: Dilute 1:50 parts cold water (10 ml per 500 ml) into a labelled trigger spray bottle. Spray a fine mist onto floor & spray clean using a high speed floor machine & appropriate floor pad.

  • Perfect for cleaning safety flooring and various types of surfaces.
  • Perfume-free, so ideal for use in kitchens and food establishments.
  • Will help you clean quickly with easy-to-see results.
  • Commercial grade cleaner and degreaser, effective in hot or cold water.

Pack Size: 2 x 5 litres.


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