Bulk Pack Toilet Tissue

2 ply bulk pack toilet tissue.

Product Code 03-0024

Brand Pro

Pack Size 9000

Colour White

Sleeve Size 250 Sheet

In Stock

£19.99 exc VAT£23.99 inc VAT

Product Description

Bulk pack interleaved tissue is popular in all sorts of situations, from hotels and restaurants, to offices and motorway service areas.

Each large sheet is separate and interleaved with the next one for easy dispensing.

The tissue is mainly recycled, but has some pure pulp to ensure that it dissolves easily and quickly.

Each sheet is 10.2 x 19.5cm. There are 250 sheets in a pack and 36 packs in a case for a total of 9,000 sheets per case.

Pack Size: 9,000 towels.


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