Brasso Metal Polish - Longer Lasting Shine

Wipe on brasso liquid metal polish and wipe off for a great shine.

Product Code 01-0107

Brand Brasso

Pack Size 1 x 175 ml

Out of Stock

£5.99 exc VAT£7.19 inc VAT

Product Description

Brasso is a metal polish for brass, copper, stainless steel, pewter and chrome. This traditional cleaner leaves metals mark free and shiny. It utilises its abrasive liquid composition to combat tough stains effortlessly for a fast and efficient cleaning process and it gives a longer lasting shine.

The formula is alcohol free and non-toxic to ensure safe and secure application, it can be effectively applied using a clean and dry cloth. It is very dangerous for the environment and harmful to aquatic organisms as well as being flammable.

Pack Size: 1 x 175 ml


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