Evans Vanodine Carehands - Barrier & Moisturising Cream
Barrier & moisturising cream.
Brand Evans Vanodine
Product Description
Evans Vanodine Carehands is an all-purpose moisturising hand cream. It protects your skin in wet and dry working conditions. Ideal for use in both pre-work and after work applications. Suitable for kitchens, garages, engineering workshops, printers, transport companies, farms and all types of general industry.
- Contains emollients and moisturisers for effective skin conditioning and protection.
- Non-perfumed composition, making it safe to use in kitchens and food preparation areas.
- Can be used as an after-work moisturiser to condition the skin.
- Contains a pH of 7.0
Pack Size: 6 x 500 ml or 2 x 5 litres.