Pine Floor Gel

Cleaning and maintenance of most common polished floor types.

Product Code 01-0011

Brand The Hygiene Hub

Pack Size 2 x 5 litres

In Stock

£14.99 exc VAT£17.99 inc VAT

Product Description

Designed for use on all types of floors particularly wood and linoleum.

Where the naturals oils help feed the floor and give the product a degree of buff ability, this can be built up over a period of time to a natural slip resistant shine.

The natural pine oils in Pine Floor Gel impart a fresh, pine fragrance.

Dilute 1:80 with water for floor mopping, Once dry, the floor should be machine buffed.

Dilute 1:20 for spray buffing.

Pine Gel can also be used on most hard surfaces i.e. walls, ceilings, toilets and other clean areas.

Dilute 1:50 with water for general cleaning.

Pack Size 2 x 5 litres.


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