Carpet Pre-Spotter

Fragranced ready to use carpet and upholstery spot cleaner.

Product Code 01-0014

Brand The Hygiene Hub

Pack Size 6 x 750 ml

In Stock

£12.99 exc VAT£15.59 inc VAT

Product Description

A pleasantly fragranced ready to use carpet and upholstery spot cleaner.

May be used as a stain remover or as a pre-spotter in conjunction with The Hygiene Hubs Dry Foam Carpet Shampoo or Extraction Carpet Cleaner.

This is a ready to use product, no dilution is required.

Test a small area for colour fastness prior to use.

Spray onto stain and leave for a few minutes to react then gently rub with a soft cloth or brush, work towards the centre of the stain, finally rub with a damp cloth to pick up residue and allow it to dry thoroughly.

Vacuum to complete the process.

Pack Size 6 x 750 ml.


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