Milton Disinfecting Fluid

The solution does not require rinsing after use.

Product Code 01-0125

Brand Milton

Pack Size 2 x 5 litres

Out of Stock

£32.99 exc VAT£39.59 inc VAT

Product Description

Milton Disinfecting Fluid is an extremely safe and highly trusted chlorine-based bleaching agent, which has been used in NHS hospitals and caring establishments for over 60 years.

It is also suitable for sanitising use in catering environments, and can be used for drinking water, washing fruit and vegetables, meat and chopping boards.

Milton contains sodium chloride and sodium hypochlorite, and kills almost all viruses, bacteria and fungi in 15 minutes. It is suitable for disinfecting bottles, plastic bedding and protective clothing, thermometers and bed-pans. It is kind enough to use as a burn and wound antiseptic, and can even be safely applied to medical instruments designed for intravenous bodily use.

Milton can be diluted in a bucket for item soaking, at a rate of 6ml per litre of water. If applying to wounds use 50ml per litre.

Pack Size: 2 x 5 litres.


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