Proton Quash Lipstick Remover Refill Pack - Measuring Cup, Sponges & Formula

For use where the applicator tray is already in use.

Product Code 01-0070

Brand Quash

Pack Size 1

Out of Stock

£63.99 exc VAT£76.79 inc VAT

Product Description

Quash® Refill pack is the refill for the intro and where the applicator tray is already in use.

Safe, non-hazardous, simple and hygienic to use.

Simply twist the upturned glass in a solution filled foam pad and the glass is ready for washing in the normal way.

Quash® should be used as part of your daily maintenance along with your regular glass washing practice, which can then reduce the frequency of the need to renovate glassware.

The refill pack includes; 2 x 1L bottles of Quash® Concentrate & 4 x Sponges.

Pack Size: 1.


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